Use of Force Scenario Videos for Church Security, Ushers, Leadership to Discuss

Notice - These videos and wording are not designed as legal advice, we are not attorneys, however we are trying to provide you with scenario videos to help you discuss with your leaders, legal counsel and others, what could be done in these scenarios, given your leadership and state guidelines and laws.

This slow motion video is intended to challenge you or use it for your security / usher or leadership team to talk about what would we do if this happened at our church or worship center. You will notice in this video there are different degrees at which this man holds the stick, it also appears that he is preparing to enter a sanctuary or auditorium where people are.

So questions to ask yourself and/or your team after viewing video:

1. When he is holding the stick down, what would we do?

2. As the stick comes up at varying degrees, what would we/you do now?

3. As he begins to move into the area where people are, would that change at all?

What are our options in this situation?

Could we simply evacuate the building of our people? Leaving only us and the person with the stick in the building?

Call police and wait for them to arrive?

Could we tackle him at any point?

Do we need to use force or deadly force against him at any time in this scenario?


This slow motion video scenario is designed to get you thinking about what you would do in the event that someone shows up at your church with a gun. In this scenario the person is at the front of the auditorium where your pastor or priest is. What would you do?

1. Consider what you are actually allowed to do by policy. Some of you are not allowed to carry firearms at church. So a valid question for you is what would you do?

Things to consider if we carry a firearm at church or we are on the security team:

1. Could we simply evacuate everyone? Do we have time to accomplish that?

Could we begin to talk to this man when his gun is down and yell at our congregation to leave at the same time?

2. When the gun comes up a bit, what would you or could you do at that point?

3. When the gun is point up at the priest/pastor would you be justified in using deadly force against this person to protect a person in your building?

4. Could we call police and wait for them? Is that an option here?

Notice - This video and wording is not designed as legal advice, we are not attorneys, however we are trying to provide you with scenario videos to help you discuss with your leaders, legal counsel and others, what could be done in these scenarios.

Here is a slow motion video scenario to use to challenge yourself or your security or usher team. You are watching a man with a knife walking towards the children's area, what are you going to do at that point?

1. What type of force do you and your leaders feel is ok to use at that point?

2. Would you try to tackle him or strike him with something?

3. Are you justified in shooting him as he heads towards the children's area?

This video is intended for you and your team to discuss answers, and maybe even do some investigation into use of force laws/case law within your region.

What are your options if this scenario was happening to you at your church? (Watch slow motion video above)

Could you use deadly force as this person comes toward you? Is your life or the life of others in the building in danger?

Take a few moments to think about this scenario and discuss with your team, if you have a team or with your team leaders.

If you don't carry guns on your team or at your church, what are you options for defending yourself and others? What do you have around you to grab to defend yourself?